Welcome To Socialzy

Welcome to our Church, we're glad you're here!

St Matthew’s is a Church of England church in the heart of the Suffolk town of Ipswich. We are a friendly, diverse group of people from ages 0 – 105! We would love to welcome you to one of our services or events
3460+ Satisfied Clients

10.00am Sunday morning

See our Sundays page for more details of Sunday morning services. Live streaming of Sunday services has now ended – please see the news item for more information.

10.30am Tuesday mornings, a short communion service

A short communion service takes place in church every Tuesday morning at 10.30 am. All welcome.

8.00am Wednesday mornings, Morning Prayer

All invited for a time of prayer, bible reading and reflection. All welcome.

Plan a Visit

Anyone is welcome to join us at our 10:00 am Sunday services. Here is some other information that might be helpful if are visiting physically for the first time.

Where can I find you & where can I park

St Matthew’s church main entrance is on Portman Road, just up from the Ipswich Town football club – the church postcode is IP1 2AX. There is pedestrian access from Civic Drive, just opposite the New Wolsey Theatre.Ample parking is available in the adjacent St Matthews School (through the blue gates, up the slope) or on near-by streets, and bikes can be locked to the railings to the right of the main entrance.

If you are visiting us for the first time, there will always be someone at the door to welcome you and guide you to a seat or answer any questions.

We have no pews and the church is completely flat so if you come in a wheelchair we can make room wherever you would like to sit. There is an accessible toilet and baby changing room.

Our 10.00 am service generally finishes around 11.20, and afterwards you are welcome to stay and enjoy refreshments with us (though not at present due to Covid restrictions). 

No. Wear what you like.

We believe that children and young people are a crucial element of our community; they are at the heart of all we do. From babies all the way up to teenagers, we create tailor-made environments, crafted around the requirements of each age-group. It’s a chance to hang out with others their age, make friends and run through an age-specific programme. 

Each Sunday (except 4th Sunday of the month) there are children’s activities for years R-12 led by our led by our children’s team who all have DBS (safeguarding) checks.

Have a look at our children and young people page for more details.

You won’t be put on the spot.

  • You won’t have to wear a name badge or be singled out in any way.
  • You don’t even have to sing along if you don’t feel comfortable.
  • You’re not expected to give when we take the offering (collection).

Yes, but if you are a visitor you are not expected to contribute. The offering (or collection) is for the work of the church and that’s our responsibility. Many church members give directly through standing order. Don’t be embarrassed to pass the collection plate without putting anything in.

Communion usually happens during the main service (except on the second Sunday of the month).  It is the eating and drinking of bread and wine to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross. We share alcoholic wine and bread for communion, but if you would prefer gluten free bread or non-alcoholic wine please tell the person serving you. If you do not want to take communion you are welcome to go forward for a blessing or just relax in your seat for this part of the service.  


There’s a mid-week communion service – Tuesdays at 10.30am.

We regularly run Alpha or Start! courses for people to explore the Christian faith.
We run regular groups for pre-schoolers and a youth group for high school children.
There are also various social groups for ladies, men, and for seniors.

Take a look at the What’s On section to find more up coming events.

Featured Events

St Matthew’s has many regular activities – you can see some of them below. In the list below, click on an event to get more information or to sign up to come along.

Sundays at St Matts-Word

Creative Meet-Up

Holy Communion

Top-Up Shop

Sundays at St Matts-Holy Communion

Sundays at St Matts-All age service

Sundays at St Matts-Holy Communion

Seniors Club

Adore Community Lunch

Messy Meet-Up

Sundays at St Matts-Holy Communion

Sizewell 2024


This parish recognises that the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount and that we have a duty of care when they are in our charge. We will do everything that we can to provide a safe and caring environment whilst they attend our activities.

Our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded HERE.

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please first contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Carol Lockwood:
[email protected] or 07825 323061

If you have ongoing concerns, or your concerns relate to the safeguarding officer, then contact the Rector, Rev. Canon Nick Atkins:
[email protected] or 01473 251630

Further contact details for reporting concerns to the Diocese, together with details of safeguarding support, resources and training, can be found on the Diocesan safeguarding pages.

Meet our team

Please meet some of the people involved in St. Matthew’s. Hover over each image to find out more about each person.


Nick is the Rector of the parish of St. Matthew’s, All Saints, Triangle and Bridge churches. Nick is also Area Dean for the Ipswich Deanery.

Rev Canon Nick Atkins


My role involves services and other activities at St. Matthew’s, and encouraging our involvement in God’s mission.

Rev Ruth Best

Assistant Priest and Self-Supporting Minister

Risus at lorem vehicula nullam at lectus tincidunt a. Rhoncus est libero, arcu et

Rev Dimitri Theulings



Vera is one of our two Parish Wardens, along with Henry Catchpole.

Vera Evripidou

Parish Warden

Henry is one of our two Parish Wardens, along with Vera Evripidou.

Henry Catchpole

Parish Warden and Deputy District Warden

Risus at lorem vehicula nullam at lectus tincidunt a. Rhoncus est libero, arcu et

Mike Calver

District Church Warden

Deputy District Church Warden and Fletcher Centre Manager

Wayne Pickering

Other Church Officers

Cleo is the St. Matthew’s church treasurer. Do contact her for information about giving to the church, or look at our website Giving page.

Cleo Simon-Hart


You can find out more about St. Matthew’s safeguarding policy on our Safeguarding page.

Helen Clarke

Safeguarding Officer

Lay Elders

Nick is the Rector of the parish of St. Matthew’s, All Saints, Triangle and Bridge churches. Nick is also Area Dean for the Ipswich Deanery.

Wendy Seymour

Lay Elder

Jackie is one of our two church Administrators, and works in the church office on Mondays and Fridays, 9am – 4pm.

Jackie Pickering

Church Elder and Administrator

Vera is one of our two Parish Wardens, along with Henry Catchpole.

Vera Evripidou

Parish Warden

Diz looks after the music on a Sunday morning – do contact him if you’d like to be involved singing or playing.

Diz Deacon

Worship Elder and Music Co-ordinator

We believe Freda is the oldest member of St. Matthew’s. If there is anyone over 102 years old, do let us know!

Freda Smith

Lay Elder

My role involves services and other activities at St. Matthew’s, and encouraging our involvement in God’s mission.

Andrew Revitt

Lay Elder, Deanery Synod Representative


Regular giving is so important as it enables us to support our work and plan for the future. We would encourage every member of our church family to give, as part of the responsibility and privilege of belonging. We seek to be a generous church, giving away 10% of our donated income to support partner missions around our town, the UK and around the world.

Supporting St Matthew’s Financially

We know God as a generous Father, and seek to respond generously in our service and stewardship. This includes generous provision of time and money, prayer and worshipful service.  We believe God calls us all to contribute to the ministry and mission of the church. We encourage all who see St. Matthews as their spiritual home to consider prayerfully their response to God’s love through their service, devotion and giving.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim gift aid on your giving. This adds an extra 25% to your gift. For us to benefit you need to compete a Gift Aid Declaration and return it to Liudmyla, our finance administrator who is based in the parish office. St. Matthew’s is a registered charity, and our charity number is 1129487.

Five ways to give

Via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)

This is a direct-debit system which enables you to give automatically on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis (we would ask that those who can give on a monthly basis as this allows budgeting and maintains our cashflow throughout the year). See our Parish Giving Scheme page for more information.

Through Standing Order

This enables you to make a regular donation of a fixed amount. Please download a form or pick up one from church.

Through the Sunday offering

You can give using cash, cheques or charitable You can give using cash, our contactless card reader, cheques or charitable giving vouchers. The giving plate is available at the back of church at the beginning of the service and for a few minutes after the service. If it is helpful for you, we can provide envelopes for you to put your regular donations in before placing them on the plate.

Electronic transfer

Our details are: Bank account name: St Matthews PCC Ipswich. Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account Number: 00015885

Using our online form

You can make a 1-off donation using a debit card (no credit cards) using our secure online form.

Office Location

Graaf Florisstraat 22A, 3021 CH Rotterdam Netherlands

